Config extends ListMap
, making it very easy to use. It assumed that you are familiar with Scala’s Map
(and ListMap
) collection classes. For clarity, the following examples have the explicit type declared on each val
, which is not usually necessary in Scala.
Here’s a sample file we’ll be discussing:
a = something
b = else
easy = true
tau = 6.2832
somewhen = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z
coronation = 1953-06-02
triangle = 3, 4, 5
actors = "\"Harry\", Daniel Radcliffe", "\"Ron\", Rupert Grint", "\"Hermione\", Emma Watson"
timeout = 60s
maxHeap = 2 GiB
maxTemp = 90°C
Simple Cases
∘ Load a string value directly. As with any Map
, NoSuchElementException
is thrown if the key isn’t found.
val a: String = config("a")
∘ Load a value as an optional string. No exception comes if the key is missing.
val aOption: Option[String] = config.get("a")
∘ Load a value directly and convert its type. Scala’s StringLike
helps a lot, working for Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float and Double too.
val flag: Boolean = config("easy").toBoolean
val tau: Float = config("tau").toFloat
∘ BigInteger and BigDecimal are slightly different: it’s best to convert directly from a string (avoid an intermediate Double
val tauD: BigDecimal = BigDecimal(config("tau"))
∘ If you want the optional version you can still convert it simply by using Scala’s map
val optionalFlag: Option[Boolean] = config.get("easy").map(_.toBoolean)
val optionalTau: Option[Float] = config.get("tau").map(_.toFloat)
val optionalTauD: Option[BigDecimal] = config.get("tau").map(BigDecimal(_))
∘ Other types like dates are straightforward. Here’s how to parse a Joda DateTime
import org.joda.time._
import org.joda.time.format._
val fmt1 = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime()
val somewhen: DateTime = fmt1.parseDateTime(config("somewhen"))
val fmt2 = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
val coronation: DateTime = fmt2.parseDateTime(config("coronation"))
Values with Units
∘ Values can have units. Time and memory size support are built-in; any other units can be used also. SI/IEC multiplier prefixes can also be used. Access these with the value
val timeout = config.value("timeout").toDuration
val maxHeap = config.value("maxHeap").toMemorySize
val maxTemp = config.value("maxTemp").withUnit
The timeout has type Duration; the maxHeap has type MemorySize; the maxTemp has the more general type DimensionedValue
∘ Convert comma-separated lists via the getList
method of Config
. On the previous page, we saw a configuration example that had a list of three actors.
val actors: List[String] = config.getList("actors")
Here we get
- “Harry”, Daniel Radcliffe
- “Ron”, Rupert Grint
- “Hermione”, Emma Watson
Although getList
always returns a list of strings, it is easy in Scala to convert the types.
val numbers: List[Int] = config.getList("triangle").map(_.toInt)