
SLF4J - Not Just Simple Logging in Java

A Java logging framework should be effective but low fuss. There are many to choose from - some would say too many perhaps.  What is needed is something that is simple, productive, reliable and with good performance. SLF4J is a façade for logging in Java that achieves best-of-breed capability and plays nicely with pre-existing frameworks. Log4J - the Forerunner Probably the most successful earlier logging framework was Log4J, a well-respected Apache project.

Google's Go

Google’s Go Language has been making news since the publicity launch in November ‘09.  Go combines the development speed of working in a dynamic language like Python with the performance and safety of a compiled language like C or C++. Go is not like Java and it doesn’t aim to be like Java. Rather, think of it as C++ for the 21st century. No … correct that - it’s a bit more than C++ but yet rather a lot less than C++.